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Herringthorpe Infant School

Herringthorpe Infant School

Learning for Life

Herringthorpe Infant School

Well-Being Club

Session One - I am unique and I am special!


The children learnt a song about why they are all 'special stars' and made these amazing stars to celebrate all their fantastic qualities. Well done everyone!



Session Two - Supporting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing - Yoga!


We have had lots of smiles at Well Being Club tonight. We have talked about winding our body down and taking time to be calm and relaxed. We realised that exercise can put you in a better mood.

The children were awesome at yoga and loved it!

Cosmic Kids yoga offers fantastic kids yoga sessions online if you wanted to try it with your children at home. I have added two links for you to try: We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Yoga Dinosaur Yoga for Kids.



Session Three - Recognising Worry and Anxiety - developing strategies to support with this emotion.


We had another lovely week at Well-Being Club. This week we focused on the emotion of worry. We read the story The Huge Bag of Worries and discussed the importance of talking to people we feel safe around to share our worries. The children absolutely loved making their own worry dolls to keep.



I have linked the story below as it is a lovely way for you as parents/carers to speak to your children if they are often anxious or worrying about something.


Session Four - Mindful Colouring - Stress Release!


In this week’s Well-Being Club, we’ve been focusing on strategies to help children manage their emotions. We explored ways to calm down when feeling angry or stressed, introducing mindful colouring as a calming activity.

We also talked about regulated breathing to help us calm down when angry, upset or stressed. We held up our hand to show 5 fingers. We traced up and down our fingers breathing in and out each time. We called it our ‘fantastic five’.


The children have had the opportunity to try these techniques out during our session and really enjoyed the experience (me too!).