Herringthorpe Infant School
Parent/Carer Survey
Parent/Carer Survey November 2024
An enormous thank you for the time taken to complete the school survey.
Your feedback is invaluable and has enabled the school to reflect on its current practice and develop next steps for areas in our provision that you feel need addressing. The findings of the survey are below for your reference.
Thank you once again to everyone that took part in the survey.
Your opinions mean a great deal to us and your responses will have a positive impact on the way we
move forward as a school.
We are very proud of how we have moved forward as a school from 2022 but are committed to further developing our school offer and provision throughout this academic year.
The school has taken on board your feedback and this year Herringthorpe Infant School aims to address and improve the following areas:
- Continue to ensure parents/carers know their child's next steps in learning and how to support them.
- To ensure parents understand the school's Behaviour and Relationships Policy and be confident with how this works within school practice.
- Ensure parents have an understanding of how children are taught to stay safe online and where this is placed in the school's curriculum offer.
- Provide a further understanding for parents/carers of how children are taught about British Values.