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Herringthorpe Infant School

Herringthorpe Infant School

Learning for Life

Herringthorpe Infant School


Meet our new buddies 

Meet the team!

Anti-Bullying at Herringthorpe Infant School 


At Herringthorpe Infants we have a dedicated team of Key Stage One children whose job it is to monitor and address bullying. These children are know around school as our Playground Buddies. The Playground Buddies are active at play times and work hard to make sure all children are happy and have people to play with. 


These children meet monthly with Miss Allen to discuss progress and to share what is going well. At these meetings we plan ways in which we can help make this school a happy place for everyone.


Find out the kind of things we get up to:


  • These children monitor the playground and are trained to be an 'Upstander' to bullying. They know what Bullying is and how to address Bullying when they see it. 
  • We have worked closely with Ann Foxley Johnson from the Rotherham Anti Bullying Company. Mrs FJ has been into school to deliver training to our Buddies and has also lead whole school workshops such as 'Kindness Day' and 'Diversity Day'.
  • Our Playground Buddies have helped to develop a Child Friendly Anti-Bullying Policy and have also delivered assemblies about Anti-Bullying and Kindness to the rest of the school. 
  • We have even met with the School Governor's to tell them about the important things we have been doing
  • In November we help Miss Allen organise Odd Socks Day and help to deliver assemblies around Anti Bullying for Anti-Bullying week
  • The hard work and dedication that the Playground Buddies have demonstrated have helped us achieve the Gold Rotherham Anti Bullying award. 


Watch this space for exciting updates!



Training to be buddies


We worked with Miss Allen who helped train us to become Playground Buddies. We were so excited to get back to class and share the work we had been doing with our classmates. We know what bullying is, how to address bullying if we see it happening and we know how to work together to make sure the school is a happy and kind place for everyone. 

Anti-Bullying Week


In November we celebrated Odd Socks day and came to school in our odd socks! In assembly we talked about the importance of celebrating difference and treating everybody with kindness and respect no matter who they are or how similar and different they may be to you. We then learnt about this years Anti-Bullying week theme which is Reach Out. We spoke about ways to reach out if we see bullying or unkind behaviour and ways that we can seek help if we feel we are being bullied. 


In class this week all KS1 classes have continued to learn about bullying from what it is to ways we can address it. We know who the people are in school who we can reach out to and ways to reach out to others. 


In Foundation the children have designed their own odd socks and thought about ways to spread kindness in school so that it is a happy and safe place for all learners. 


Miss Allen will be selecting 12 children in KS1 to become this years Playground Buddies so watch this space to find out who those children are! 


Take a look at how we have been raising awareness and celebrating Anti Bullying Week below. 




Meet our Buddies!


Meet our incredible Playground Buddies! 

Anti-Bullying Week 

This year we have celebrated Odd Socks Day by wearing our odd socks to school. By wearing our odd socks we celebrate and reflect upon what makes us different and unique.


Children at Herringthorpe Infant School have enjoyed learning the Official Andy and the Odd Socks song for Anti-Bullying week and have been thinking of 'one kind word' as this is the theme for this year. After thinking of our Kind Words, our challenge throughout the week was to use these kind words as often as possible. We have also talked in assemblies and classes about spreading Kindness and paying kindness forward. We have been trying hard this week to spread this kindness like a Mexican wave! 


At the end of the week we will be joined by Ann Foxley Johnson from the Anti-Bullying Company to take part in a virtual Anti Bullying workshop. 

Andy and the Odd Socks - One Kind Word (Official Video)

Our official song for Odd Socks Day and Anti-Bullying Week 2021 Follow us on Spotify: Listen on Apple Music: https://smar...

We are GOLD!!


On Odd Socks Day three of our Playground Buddies attended the Rotherham Anti-Bullying Awards to collect our GOLD Anti-Bullying award! This award reflects all the hard work our Buddies have done over the past few years to make Herringthorpe Infant School a kind and safe place for all pupils. Their dedication and hard work will continue this year and we can't wait to get started on lots of Anti-Bullying and Buddy duties this year. 

Information for Parents


If you would like more information about Anti-Bullying week at Herringthorpe Infant School and how we are celebrating it this year please speak to your child's class teacher or Miss Allen who will be happy to speak with you. 


Below is a handy guide which you might find useful in understanding a little more about Anti- Bullying and why we hold an Odd Sock's Day each year. 

Anti-Bullying Week 2020


The children enjoyed coming to school in their odd socks! Take a look below to find out how we celebrated Anti-Bullying Week.

We had a special visit from Faith from the Rotherham Anti Bullying Company. Faith joined us virtually to deliver an Anti Bullying workshop to all children.


We each made pledges to 'Unite Against Bullying' and created 'Handy's' to remind us of our pledges. We are very excited to display our 'Handy's' in an Exhibition next year. 


We also enjoyed learning the words to this years Anti Bullying song from Andy and the Odd Socks Gang. See the official music video below! 

Andy and the Odd Socks - The Kids are United (Official Video) ft. Princess K, Libera

Andy and the Odd Socks - The Kids are United (Official Video)
The children enjoyed learning the lyrics to the song and used these lyrics to think about how they could be 'United Against Bullying'

Anti Bullying Week 2019

This year we have celebrated Odd Socks Day for Anti Bullying week 2019. The children and staff came to school in their odd socks and we made a pledge to make one small change to make our school an even happier place to be. The Anti Bullying Ambassadors also delivered an assembly and taught everyone (including Mrs Pepper and the Governors!) how to be an upstander. Listen and watch the official video and song performed by Andy and the Odd Socks gang here!

Be An Upstander

Anti Bullying Awards Ceremony 14.11.19


Our Anti Bullying team were invited to the Rotherham Anti Bullying Awards Ceremony. We collected our Bronze Award and met other Ambassadors from other schools. We also took part some exciting workshops which gave us lots of ideas of ways we can encourage Anti Bullying at our school.  


Collecting our award The workshops were good fun

The Buddies Training Session 2019

Useful Websites to promote Anti-Bullying 


If you feel like you are unable to talk to us about anything then please use the following links to seek advice. Staff are always on hand to talk with you about any concerns. 

Our Bronze Award