Herringthorpe Infant School
Some of our Year 2 children have been attending a STEM club called Inspiration Academy. We run this alongside a STEM ambassador and in collaboration with STEMazing.
The STEMAZING Inspiration Academy supports women in STEM to shine as visible role models and inspires young people through fun, interactive online STEM sessions.
You can find out more about STEMazing here:
Join our STEM Inspiration and Inclusion Revolution. (stemazing.co.uk)
Session 1 - STEMazing structures
Exploring the importance of shape in design. This is important in the world around us as different shapes have different properties which can do different things for us.
Session 2 - Amazing Aerodynamics
Exploring how the air interacts with everything around us by making different designs of spinners and learning about amazing aerodynamics!
Session 3 -Energy Explorers
Energy Explorers Engineers and scientists can harness energy to improve our lives. Here we do a simple experiment to explore energy and energy transfer.