Herringthorpe Infant School
School Council
At Herringthorpe Infant School we respect and value the fundamental British value of democracy and ensure the views and opinions of our pupils are expressed. At the beginning of the school year all the children were invited to stand as School Council representatives. Children that wished to be considered for the role completed an application form. Then each class voted to select their two councillors.
Our School Councillors have pledged to:
- Always work together as a team.
- Be reliable and responsible.
- Listen to all suggestions and ideas.
- Collect ideas from our peers to share at school Council meetings.
- Feedback and discuss ideas from School Council meetings to our classes.
- Always respect other people’s opinions and points of view.
- Be a good role model to other children in school.
This year, we aim to:
- Ensure we have a good understanding of our new school rules to allow us demonstrate and model them to our peers.
- Support the school in raising money for local, national and international charities.
- Help organise key events such as; the Christmas fair, walk to school week and the Eid party.
- Judge the Eid card competition.

It was the NHS' birthday on 5th July. The school council invited everyone to help fundraiser by wearing blue for the day in exchange for a donation. Just like the iconic uniforms and scrubs the NHS staff wear everyday. Our councillors collected donations before and after school and all the money raised went to Rotherham hospitals ‘tiny toes’ campaign. It was
lovely to see everyone dressed in blue and the children enjoyed learning about the NHS as well as taking part in fun activities.

To mark the occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha, the school council invited the children to take part in a competition to ‘design a Eid card.’ We were so impressed with all of the entries and it was really tough to select just one winner from each class! The councillors studied each card carefully, sharing there opinions before they voted for their favourite from each class and also for an overall winner.
The school council invited everyone to take part in 'walk to school week.' This year the theme was 'the magic of walking' so the children were given a new challenge to complete during their walk each day by a different magical being. The children that walked to school placed a sticker on their class chart when they arrived at school and the children that managed to walk to school on more than three occasions were given awarded with a certificate.

Mental Health Awareness week in a yearly event and it is the biggest opportunity for people all over the UK to come together to focus on getting good mental health. The children took part in a range of activities to help support the development of good mental health during the week. We asked everyone to come to school dressed in green on Friday to show our support.

We were super excited to help organise our Eid parties. The children had the opportunity to have henna designs applied to their hands in the week leading up to our party. We asked for a small donation and the councillors decided to donate our proceeds to 'Save the children.' We were overwhelmed by the generous donations we received of 'traditional Eid food.' All of the children looked amazing in their party clothes and had a fantastic time at our parties!
The school council invited everyone to take part in our Easter competition. We were super impressed with the fantastic 'egg scenes' everyone created inside their shoe box. The school council had a very tricky task of selecting a winner from each class.

We supported the NSPCC by taking part in 'Number Day'. The school council decided to invite everyone to come to school wearing maths themed clothing in exchange for a donation. Our councillors delivered an assembly to all of the children in KS1 to share the fabulous work the NSPCC do to support vulnerable children. We had so much fun on the day, each class took part in a range of maths activities and it was lovely to see the fabulous outfits. We raised a fantastic £150 for the NSPCC.
The school council helped organise the Christmas Fair. We had the 'tricky' job of selecting the products each class would make and sell at the fair. First we helped our classes select a range of products. The councillors from each class presented the ideas from their class to the School council. Then the councillors discussed which products they thought would make the most profit for each class and voted for their favourite. The councillors returned to their classes and announced the products that had been selected. The councillors did an amazing job of helping sell the products at the fair.

The school council decided to raise money for Children in need. We selected a range of 'Pudsey goodies' that we could sell in the week leading up to Children in need day. We also purchased some Pudsey bears that could be won by raffle. On Friday we hosted a 'SPOTacular' day and invited everyone to come to school dressed in spots in exchange for a donation. Our councillors did a great job of collecting the donations, remembering to be polite and well mannered at all times. Children throughout school learned about the fantastic work Children in need do to help children be safe and happy. We took part in lots of 'SPOTacular activities throughout the day.
We raised an amazing £562.73 for this fantastic charity!

School Council
What is a School Council?
A school council is group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school.
"School council" means all kinds of school-based groups run by students.
The objective of an effective School Council is to:
• enjoy and feel empowered by their education
• feel that their school responds to their needs and views
• have the opportunity to let adults know their feelings and opinions about things that affect them
• have a say about decisions, and to play an active role in making their school a better place
• develop life skills through participation
What do we do?
We meet twice a month to discuss important topics with Miss Allen. We start
by discussing any issues that have been reported to the school council and decide which issues are most important to us.
We have to listen to each others ideas and consider the best approach to solving the issue. It is important to work together as a team in order to be an effective school councillor.
Another very exciting responsibility is to organise fundraising events throughout the year. This year we will organise events for Sports Relief and Children In Need.
Meet your school councillors

What have we been doing this year and what do we have planned?
We are always preset around school and on hand to try and sort any issues people have. Our classes are aware of who we are and we listen to them if they raise any concerns and share these at our meetings.
- In November we will organise a fundraising event for Children In Need and will write a letter to parents to inform them of the plans. We will make and display posters around school.
- In March we are going to be organising a fundraising event for Sports Relief. We will need to share our ideas and vote for the event we think will raise the most money. We will write a letter to parents to inform them of our event and will make posters to advertise this around school. We will share our fundraising idea in assembly too.
- We are also going to work alongside the Anti-Bullying team and will help them to rewrite our Anti-Bullying policy to make it child friendly. Once it has been written we will take it with us to the Govenors and share it with them, before we share it with the rest of school.
Current Projects
Children In Need
This year the school council organised a pajama day for Children In Need. We made posters and displayed these around school, wrote a letter to send to parents and told our classes about the event. We also sold Pudsey ears, bands and bears.
It was funny to see all of the teachers dressed in their pajamas, and we had a brilliant time raising money for Children In Need.
We raised a total of £690.92
Thank you for all your support and donations!!!
Sports Relief
For sports relief this year the school council have designed a sponsored obstacle course for the children to complete in their PE sessions.
They researched the equipment that was available and then designed their obstacle course accordingly. We shared our ideas with our teachers who will help us to organise and set up the activities on the day.
We will share details of the event with our classes and with parents by creating and displaying posters around school.
Check back soon to see how much money we raise!
Designing the obtacle course

Sports Relief
The children enjoyed completing the sponsored obstacle course!