Herringthorpe Infant School
Key Stage 1
Curriculum Intent
At Herringthorpe Infant School all pupils study the national curriculum, religious education and age-appropriate relationships and sex education. The school’s curriculum has been designed to equip our pupils with the essential learning qualities that are crucial for a successful journey into adulthood. The key qualities we instil in our pupils are; Resilience, Communication, Problem Solving, Teamwork & Critical and Creative Thinking.
We strongly believe in providing explicit links between pupils’ disciplinary knowledge and how this can be transferred into the wider world and to the ‘world of work’. Our school is passionate about ensuring our pupils develop high aspirations and are exposed to job opportunities beyond their current knowledge.
It is important that our pupils understand the relevance of the curriculum they are being exposed to and how the knowledge they gain will impact on their future. Our school’s curriculum aims to develop curiosity in children; nurturing pupils to ask questions and be inquisitive; rather than accepting things at face value.
Curriculum Implementation
At Herringthorpe Infant School we expect our pupils to know more and remember more for longer. Staff understand the importance of supporting children to transfer knowledge into their long term memory. The curriculum has been designed to ensure that its components are taught in a sequential way with a logical progression; slowly building knowledge like building blocks to ensure that the pupils reach the intended learning outcomes. Opportunities for repetition of knowledge is crucial and teachers complete regular assessments to inform their next steps and to identify and act upon any difficulties or misconceptions in their learning.
Staff have high aspirations for all pupils and understand the importance of not putting a ceiling of expectation on individuals. Clear guidance in our ‘subject overviews’ developed by subject coordinators ensure that staff are clear about the expected outcomes each term for all pupils.
Curriculum Impact
The carefully planned learning journeys for each subject ensure that our children are equipped with the essential substantive and disciplinary knowledge in preparation for each stage of their learning adventure. Teacher assessments ensure that gaps in knowledge along the way are addressed and that children are able to keep up with the delivered curriculum. The school has worked closely with Herringthorpe Junior school to ensure that the curriculum offered in the infant school ensures pupils are equipped for the beginning of their learning journey in KS2.