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Herringthorpe Infant School

Herringthorpe Infant School

Learning for Life

Herringthorpe Infant School

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1 


Mrs Kershaw,Mrs Dore and Miss Stark

PE – Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.



The children will need to bring their PE kit in a bag which will contain a t-shirt and shorts. Their PE bag will stay in school on their peg and be sent home each half term.

Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed.


Book Bags


Please ensure that your child brings their book bags daily with their reading diary inside. 

Autumn Term

This term we have been getting to know each other and getting used to classroom rules and routines. In Art we have been learning how to use different pencil techniques to show light and dark tone. In  History we have learnt about toys in the past and how toys have changed. In Science we have been learning about the different seasons and we have been using our observation skills to look at a Horse Chestnut tree over a number of weeks and note the changes. We have been using our classroom provision to work on our skills and develop our relationships with each other!

In Science we have been learning about the different seasons and how the weather and day length changes throughout the year. We have investigated signs of autumn and we have studied a tree over time to see what the changes were. 

In History we have been learning about Toys in the past. We thought carefully about how toys have changed and what is similar and different about them. The adults brought some toys from their past for us to look at and we talked about why they were special. 


Spring Term


This term we have been learning lots of new and exciting things. In History we have been learning about transport and how this has changed over time. In Science we have been learning about materials and how we can describe their properties. In Computing we have been learning about digital art and using different tools to create the effect that we want to achieve. Take a look at what we have been up to! 



In History we have been asking the question 'How has transport changed over time?'. To begin our enquiry we carried out a survey of the transport in our local area. The children really enjoyed ticking off the different types of transport and counting up how many we managed to spot. 

NSPCC Number Day


Number Day is an awareness day started by the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). It’s a day to focus on maths and numbers, while also supporting a worthy cause

Autumn Term


This term our topic is Enchanted Woodland. We have been learning all about different fairytales and using our imaginations. We have also been learning about British wildlife and trees. We have been having lots of fun settling into Year 1 and making friends with others. We have been thinking about respect and showing respect to other people in our school.  Take a look at all of the fantastic learning we have been doing. 



This term in Science we have been using our observational skills to observe a Horse Chestnut tree. We took photographs of it each week and created observational drawings. We talked about the changes and we linked this to seasonal change and the changes that we see in autumn time.


In Art this term we have been exploring clay. We have been finding out what happens when we use our hands and different tools to change the shapes or create different effects. We will apply this learning by using our skills to create a hedgehog. 

Design and Technology

In DT this term we have been completing an Elves and the Shoemakers challenge by investgating different joining techniques and using our research to design and make a shoe. The children really enjoyed applying their learning in practical situations. 






This week in Numeracy we have been finding number bonds for all the numbers to 10. A number bond is a pair of numbers that make another number.  We began the week by finding these practically and then recording them. Later on in the week we learnt how to work in a systematic way like wise old owl. Working systematically means we start finding the number bonds in an order. When we work in this way it means we are less likely to miss any number bonds out.


0 + 3 = 3

1 + 2 = 3

2 + 1 = 3

3 + 0 = 3


Have a look at examples of our learning below.



This week in DT we have begun making our boats. We had to use our design to help us create our boats as well as thinking about the appropriate joining techniques which we had investigated previously.


We will carry on this learning next week and think about the best technique to attach our mast and sail before we test the effectiveness of our boats on the water!



In PE we have begun our new sport which this term is Hockey!


We have learnt how to hold a hockey stick correctly in order to control the ball.


We have tried keeping the ball under control and passing it to another player. We will build up these skills each week in order to begin playing games towards the end of the term.






This week in numeracy we have been investigating number sentences and the positions of the parts and the whole. Using practical equipment, we switched the parts around to discover that the whole remained the same. We then took our learning further by recording fact families for numbers within 10. 




In History we have been looking at different seaside and coastal towns that people like to go to on holiday. We discussed what people wear, the foods they eat and the activities they might do when visiting the coast. Next week we will be comparing what holidays were like 100 years ago.






In our ICT learning this week we have been learning about sending emails. We have realised that an email is like sending a letter electronically. We have talked about the benefits of emails such as the speed, cost and connectivity that they offer.


We talked about how an email address is created out of different parts .


Next we sent an email with an attachment to another Class and they replied to show how we can communicate electronically.


Please take a look at our email conversation below.



In numeracy this week we have continued to use part part whole models, we have extended our learning further by writing number sentences. This has helped us to consolidate our learning and prepare us for number fact families after half term.


At the beginning of this week, we learned the symbols + and =. We talked of where these might be placed on a part part whole model to verbally make a number sentence. Then we practiced adding two parts together to work out the whole (total) amount. We then replicated this by writing out number sentences that matched the part part wholes we had completed.


Next we worked on solving word problems with part part whole models and then we selected our own digit cards to create addition equations for ourselves to solve.


Towards the end of the week we spent time thinking about what would happen if we placed amounts in different areas on our part part whole model. We realised that when adding parts together that the whole (total) amount was the same regardless of whether the parts were switched with each other. However, we noticed that if the largest amount was not in the whole then the equation would be wrong.


Please take a look at us using a part part whole model below.




In Numeracy we have been using a part part whole model to solve additions.


At the start of the week we investigated what a 'whole' was and what a 'part' was. We learnt that a whole is when something is all there and a part is when all of it is not there. We split a whole banana into parts to see this!


Then we looked at partitioning (splitting) numbers into parts using a part part whole model.

We put some counters into the 'whole' and then split it by putting the counters into the 'parts'. We then learnt that when we combined the parts we had the whole amount again. 


We then recorded this information in the form of jottings. 


Take a look at us using a part part whole model below. 





This week in ICT we have been taking ownership of our creative work by adding our names to it.


We created a pirate ship picture on the application Doodle Buddy following the set of instructions. Once we had created our pictures we then had to type our names onto the picture so that we then had ownership over this image. Take a look at our brilliant pictures underneath.




This week in Numeracy we have been ordering numbers to 10. At first we did this practically using counters to help us see the value of each number. Then we learnt how to use number lines to help us put 3 non-consecutive numbers in order. Take a look at our hard work below.



This week in PSHE we have been thinking about how we can be a good friend to others.

We had to think carefully about qualities that made us a good friend. Some of our ideas were kind, caring, helpful and respectful. We then had to think about who our friends were and why they are good friends. Have a look at our learning below.





This week in Numeracy we have been comparing quantities using the language more than, less than and equal to. We then learnt the corresponding symbols and used these in our independent tasks to compare both objects and numerals.


Take a look at our learning below.



In DT this week we have been exploring different ways to join card in preparation for our boat construction. We discussed all the methods that we had tried, thinking carefully about the technique that would be the most suitable for our cardboard boats and which would be the strongest. 



This week we in music we have all been composers! We created our own rhythms and worked together with a partner to clap each others rhythms. After that we had the opportunity to incorporate a musical instrument into our session. We used a glockenspiel and played the rhythms that we had composed whilst taking care with our timing.   





This week in Numeracy we have been finding one more and one less than numbers to 10. We used 10 frames and counters to find one more and less. The next day we learnt how to use number lines to find one more and less and then had a go at using these strategies to complete one more and one less independent challenges at our tables.


Take a look at our learning below.



This week we have begun looking at everyday materials. We went on a material hunt around the school. We looked at objects and thought about the material that it was made from. We had to look carefully at the objects as some were made using two or three different materials.


Have a look at us on our hunt!



In Art this week we have been investigating shading on different surfaces. We used pencils to explore how the texture of the surface affected the shading. We had a bumpy surface, a rough surface and a smooth surface.


Have a look at our art work below.


We have had a brilliant first two weeks back in Class 1 and it has been a pleasure getting to know the children. We have been so impressed with how they have settled and we can't wait to share our learning with you over the coming weeks. 


Take a look at what we have been up to so far in Class 1 below and have a look at our pirate classroom!


Our Classroom

Have a look at what we've been busy doing!


Hello and welcome back to the new school year for 2022-2023. We are looking forward to catching up with everyone and hearing all about your adventures during the holidays. We hope you are as excited as we are to be back at school. 


Our first topic this term is...


Please continue to check this class page regularly for updates. As it will be updated frequently with posts and work that the Class 1 children have completed during the week.