Herringthorpe Infant School
Class 3
Welcome to Class 3
Miss Boote and Mrs Wright
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.
The children will need to bring a PE kit in a bag which will contain a t-shirt and shorts. This can stay on their pegs and will be sent home each half term.
Please ensure earrings are removed and long hair tied back.
Please ensure your child brings their book bag daily with their reading diary and phonics books inside.
Many thanks
Miss Boote
Autumn Term
This half term in Numeracy we started off by comparing objects and quantities. The children have been using the language of more and fewer, longer and shorter, bigger and smaller. We then moved on to using the comparing symbols to compare numbers within 10. We then moved on to learning how to use a part part whole model as a strategy to help us with addition.
In our Mastering Number sessions, the children have been recapping some of their previous learning from foundation. This has included looking at number bonds within 5 and doubles to 10. They have also learnt how to use the rekenreks as a tool to help them visualise these number bonds. For example, the rekenreks help us to see that 5 is made up of 3 and 2.
The majority of our literacy learning has been based on the book we have been reading in the previous week. The children have particularly enjoyed describing characters from the stories Aliens Love Underpants and Zog.
This has provided the children with prior knowledge to draw on when orally composing their own sentences. The children have then been given the opportunity to write sentences based on their phonics learning, with some children composing their own sentences. Have a look at some of our literacy learning below.
For the past 5 weeks we have been observing a Horse Chestnut tree as part of our tree study. We noticed how the leaves started to change colour and fall off. The conkers started to grow and fall off too. However, we were expecting the tree to change more than it did throughout the study. The children noted that this could be because the weather had not started to get colder yet.
In History this half term, the children have been learning all about how toys from the past are different to modern toys. They have had opportunities to look at some different toys from the past and compared them to modern toys. The children have particularly enjoyed designing their own modern toy.
Continuous Provision
In continuous provision, the children have been working really hard to begin to verbalise their learning in each of the areas and explore ways to take their learning deeper.
In Art this half term, the children have been focusing on their pencil skills. They started off by testing out different types of pencils and comparing the differences and then moved onto practicing different shading skills such as hatching, cross hatching and stippling. The children found stippling particularly calming.
In Computing, we have been learning the basic functions of a laptop, including how to use a keyboard and mouse/track pad. The children have particularly enjoyed using the paintz.app to create their own pictures. Why not have a go at home?
Religious Education (RE)
This half term in RE, the children have been thinking about who they belong to, to understand that some people belong to a religion. All of the children shared who they belonged to whether that was a club, a religion or their family. They then moved on to learning about Christianity, particularly Christian symbols.
In PE we have been learning how to play Matball. We have developed throwing, catching and defending skills and have developed our understanding of the rules throughout the half term. We then ended the unit by playing small games as a class.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
In PSHE, we have been learning how to be a good friend and what qualities make a good friend. The children particularly related to playing a ‘bucket filling’ and ‘bucket dipping’ activity, where they learnt ways to make people feel happier and acknowledged ways in which they may upset someone.
In Music, the children have been learning to sing a rap song called Hey You. Last week the children moved on to playing part of the song on the glockenspiel. The children are also becoming very quick at finding the pulse of the music. Well done everyone!
Summer Term
In numeracy this half term the children have been learning all about money. We started off by learning how to count in twos, fives and tens, before we moved on to looking at different coins. The children have used everything they have learned in numeracy this half term to open up their own shops inside the classroom. The children showed amazing resilience to continue with their learning, even when they found it difficult. Well done everyone!
In Literacy, the children have been building on their history learning by writing all about different types of transport. The children particularly enjoyed composing their own sentences about helicopters using all of the facts they have learned. We have now moved on to planning our own sentences as a whole class, with some children creating their own plans.
The children have continued to make amazing progress. In our transcriptions sessions the children have been focusing on handwriting, capital letters and full stops.
This half term in science we have been learning about plants. We started off by investigating and identifying different types of leaves from the local area. We looked at their shape and size to identify and sorted them. We found horse chestnut, sycamore, oak and holly. We then moved on to comparing different types of plants, with the children noticing that plants may look different but they all have similar parts.
In Art, the children have started to learning how to sew. We started by sorting and grouping materials, before practicing how to measure thread and thread a needle and finally practicing our “pinch, push, push” technique. The children are now using these skills to create a collaborative transport scene.
Religious Education (RE)
In RE this half term, we have been learning about Judaism and the stories of Moses. The children have loved hearing all of the stories, with some of the children acting them out. We finished the unit by having a class debate surrounding the Ten Commandments. All children were respectful to other people's opinions and I was really impressed with everyone's contributions.
In PE, the children have been learning all of the skills needed for them to play a game of rounders. They started off by sending and receiving a bean bag, moved on to sending a beanbag through a target and finally finished by playing a game of rounders. This definitely brought out the children's competitive side.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
The children have built on their previous learning about how to keep themselves healthy in PSHE, by learning a bit more about growing and changing, before learning about how to keep themselves safe. We have particularly focused on safe secrets, physical safety and sun safety. It is lovely to see how the children are now able to have discussions around how to keep themselves safe.
In computing, the children have been learning all about programming and creating their own algorithms. I am incredibly impressed with how quickly the children have picked this up and most children can now create their own algorithms on Scratch Jr.
In history this half term, the children are learning about transport in the past. We have been focusing on bicycles, road transport and aircrafts and how these have changed overtime. We then moved on to learning about transport in our local area, where the children really enjoyed drawing pictures to show how the use of canals have changed overtime.
In music the children have learned to sing the song “Use my Imagination” and then moved on to playing the tune on the Glockenspiels. In our last music session, the children had a go at improvising and creating their own songs. The showed brilliant restraint and control when playing the Glockenspiels and this really shone through when they were composing their own pieces of music.
Spring Term
The Second Half of Spring Term
In Numeracy in the second half of Spring Term, the children started off by exploring the composition of two-digit numbers and working on understanding place value to 100, including teen numbers. We carried out lots of practical activities to ensure that the children were secure with their place value before moving on to partitioning two-digit numbers into tens and ones to solve number problems.
In Literacy, the children have written their first ever story. We started off by choosing the characters (the children particularly enjoyed choosing the villain) and then moved on to planning. The children wrote their stories over two days and I was incredibly impressed with their hard work and resilience. Well done everyone!
The children have continued to make amazing progress. In our transcriptions sessions the children have been focusing on handwriting, capital letters and full stops. They are also using their phonics learning to spell words.
This half term in Science we have been looking at the human body. We started off with the children showing me what they already know about the human body by making their own, before we moved on to thinking about senses. The children particularly enjoyed the lesson when we were asking “Which body part is associated with which sense?”. We tested our senses and then took away the body part we thought we needed to check. We found out that it is very hard to throw a ball without our eyes or feel a fluffy cushion with gloves on.
In Art, the children recapped their learning of pencil skills from last half term by transforming the skills they learnt into ink. The children were incredibly patience when stippling and are really getting to grips with all of the shading techniques.
This then enabled the children to collaboratively create a tiled piece of art work in the style of Marianne North.
Religious Education (RE)
This half term in RE the children have been learning all about religious buildings, with the second half of the half term focusing on Islam. The children have really enjoyed taking virtual tours of Churches, Synagogues and Mosques and it have been a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their own experiences. I'm really impressed with everyone's contributions.
Take a look at some of our RE learning below.
In PE the children have been learning Speed, Agility and Quickness (SAQ), which has really helped them to understand how to control the body when moving over, under, through and around different pieces of equipment.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
The children have continued their learning about how to keep themselves healthy in PSHE. We have particularly focused on the effects of screen time vs exercise, the importance of sleep and how to manage emotions. It is lovely to see how the children are now able to have discussions around how to keep their bodies healthy and make health choices.
In Geography we have been learning all about the UK, it's countries and their capital cities. The children are now able to work as a team to accurately label a map of the UK, including characteristics of the countries.
In music, the children have learned to sing the song “Round and Round” and then moved on to playing the tune on the Glockenspiels. In our last music session, the children out this together to perform the song. The showed brilliant restraint and control when playing the Glockenspiels and this really showed during their performance.
In computing the children have built on their knowledge of grouping and comparing items in science to think about the importance of accurately labelling groups and how computers group data.
In DT, the children continued their learning about joining materials. They used what they learnt last term about joining paper to test how best to join felt. This then informed the children’s design of a bookmark, which then then went on to make and evaluate.
The First Half of Spring Term
In numeracy the children have been focusing on their tens numbers. We started off practically by swapping ones for tens and then we moved on to adding/subtracting one ten before moving on to add multiples of ten.
In the last week of the half term, we started looking at the place value of different numbers. We investigated how many groups of ten there are in different numbers and how many ones are left over. The children enjoyed using the place value charts to support them to understand the value of the numbers.
This half term in literacy the children have made amazing progress. In our transcriptions sessions the children have been focusing on handwriting, capital letters and full stops. They are also using their phonics learning to spell words.
The children have also worked really had in our composition sessions and all children are now able to speak in full sentences. Have a look at some of the sentences the children have composed below.
This half term in science we have started to look at materials and their properties. The children started by sorting objects based on their material and once secure moved on to sorting them based on their properties.
Each week in art we have been learning a new pencil skill inspired by an artist such as hatching/crosshatching in the style of John Tenniel and stippling. All of the children showed amazing patience; it's trickier than it looks!
Religious Education (RE)
In RE we have been learning about Judaism, focusing on Shabbat, Hanukah and Passover. The children particularly enjoyed investigating all of the Jewish artefacts and symbolisms, which they were then able to identify and describe when learning about Jewish celebrations.
Physical Education (PE)
The children have learnt all of the skills they need to compose a gymnastics sequence in PE. This started by practicing various balances, then moved on to experimenting with transitions and finally the children learned how to perform rolls. In the final session the children composed their own sequence and had the opportunity to peer assess.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
PSHE has been centered around making healthy choices, particularly when choosing food. We started by looking at the food pyramid before moving on to estimating how much sugar is in popular drinks. The children are certainly more aware of their food choices now. This will link with their DT learning next half term as the children make a fruit kebab.
In history this half term the children are learning about transport in the past. For the past couple of weeks, we have been focusing on trains and how these have changed overtime. The children really enjoyed drawing pictures to show how trains have changed and how life has changed as a result of this.
In music the children have learned to sing the song “In the groove” and then moved on to playing the tune on the Glockenspiels. In our last music session, the children out this together to perform the song. The showed brilliant restraint and control when playing the Glockenspiels and this really showed during their performance.
This half term in computing the children are learning all about how to create media through digital painting. The children have focused on how to use specific tools to recreate digital art in the style of numerous artists including Piet Mondrian and Georges Seurat.
We have been so busy this half term!
In numeracy the children have been learning how to recognise 3D shapes by describing their properties. We have been on a hunt for real life objects that resemble some of the shapes we have been learning about.
We then moved on to learning about fact families where the children are learning to write eight number sentences from one part-part-whole model. The children really showed their resilience and perseverance in this learning.
We finished off the half term by looking at numbers 11 to 20. We started by matching quantities to numerals, moved on to counting tags for Farther Christmas and then we played a game of bingo.
The majority of our literacy learning has been based on the book we have been reading in the previous week. This has provided the children with prior knowledge to draw on when orally composing their own sentences. The children have then been given the opportunity to write sentences based on their phonics learning, with some children composing their own sentences. The children particularly enjoyed writing about our visit to Clifton Park. Have a look at some of our literacy learning below.
This half term in science the children have been learning about groups of animals including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish. The have been putting their disciplinary knowledge to the test by classifying the animals using fact sheets.
In art the children have been learning all of the skills needed to create a pot in the style of local potter Sarah Stoker. They practiced their kneading, pinching and rolling skills before using these to make a pot.
They also learnt all about Amber Howie and experimented with mixing paint and creating textures before creating their final piece of art work.
In RE we have been learning all about Christians at Christmas. This built on their learning from last half term that some people belong to a religion.
This half term in PE the children are learning all of the skills needed to play a game of hockey. At first the children found controlling a ball quite tricky but by the end of the series of lessons all children participated in a game of hockey. Well done everyone!
In PSHE the children have been learning about different families and now understand that families can look different but they should respect those differences. They also understand that a family is somewhere that you feel loved and cared for.
We visited Clifton Park Museum where the children really enjoyed looking at all the artefacts and learning a bit more about the Walker family as part of their history learning.
In History, the children have also been learning all about the Victorian era. They are now able to recognise that the past was different from present day.
The children have been working really hard in their companies to create products to sell at the Christmas Fair. They have shown great teamwork with some of the children taking their job roles very seriously. Each company then appointed two sales people who sold the products at the Christmas Fair with the aim of making a profit.
In geography children were able to create a map of their route to Clifton Park, using skills taught this half term. We then moved on to learning all about the UK, it's countries and their capital cities. The children were then able to work as a team to accurately label a map of the UK, including characteristics of the countries.
Have a look at some of our learning from Autumn 1!
This half term in Numeracy we started off by comparing values within 10 and then moved on to looking at number bonds. In our Mastering Number session, the children have learnt how to use the rekenreks as a tool to help them visualise these number bonds. For example, the rekenreks help us to see that 7 is made up of 5 and 2.
We then moved on to learning a variety of strategies that the children can use to find missing numbers in addition and subtraction number sentences. These strategies including using number lines, part-part-whole models, tens frames and jottings. Have a look as some of our learning below.
We have started daily Talk Through Stories lessons which focuses on one story per week. In this lesson the children become really familiar with a story and are encouraged to think deeply about the characters and the plot. The children have really enjoyed acting out freeze frames based on how the characters in the story feel.
The majority of our literacy learning has been based on the book we have been reading in the previous week. The children have particularly enjoyed sequencing the events from the stories A Little Bit Brave and Stick Man.
This has provided the children with prior knowledge to draw on when orally composing their own sentences. The children have then been given the opportunity to write sentences based on their phonics learning, with some children composing their own sentences. Have a look at some of our literacy learning below.
For the past 5 weeks we have been observing a Horse Chestnut tree as part of our tree study in science. We noticed how the leaves started to change colour and fall off. The conkers started to grow and fall off too. However, we were expecting the tree to change more than it did throughout the study. The children noted that this could be because the weather had not started to get colder yet.
We have been testing joining techniques as part of our DT learning, which we then used to design and make a shoe for the Elves and the Shoemaker. The children then evaluated their shoes with many of them noting how next time we could make shoes from a different material to make them more durable.
In art we have been learning about Phil Rogers the famous potter. The children have had the chance to be potters just like Phil Rogers when learning how to manipulate clay. Most of the children have started to learn how to use tools to make patterns and indents in the clay.
In Computing we have been learning the basic functions of a laptop, including how to use a keyboard and mouse/track pad. The children have particularly enjoyed using paint to create pictures.
This half term in RE the children have been thinking about who they belong to, to understand that some people belong to a religion. All of the children shared who they belonged to, whether that was a club, a religion or their family.
In PE we have been learning how to play Matball. We have developed throwing, catching and defending skills and have developed our understanding of the rules throughout the half term. We then ended the unit by playing small games as a class.
Enterprise - Kind Charles III Coronation Robe
During the Enterprise lessons the children have been finishing off their Coronation Robes for King Charles III. They designed the robes and made shopping lists of the components they would need. Then they used a pattern to cut out the robe and added the components for decoration. Please take a look at their learning below.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
NHS 75th Anniversary
We had a special surprise for the children last week. Dr Ted from Rotherham Hospital came in to visit on Thursday. This was to celebrate and educate the children on the NHS's 75th Anniversary. Thank you to all who were able to take part and dress in blue for the day.
Please take a look at the below pictures.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Design and Technology
In DT today the children have been finishing off their picture frames. They have added a ribbon loop so that their frames can be hung. They have also reinforced the back by adding a layer of card. The structure of the frame was secured in an earlier lesson by gluing and adding card corners. We hope you like their finished products.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
This week in numeracy we have been learning about time. Firstly, we used the language of yesterday, tomorrow, before and after. Then we have thought about the different measurements of time; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. In Friday's lesson we practised making the time on our clocks. Then we completed our challenge sheets. Please take a look at some of our learning below.
Kind regards Miss Heaton
Today in numeracy we have been counting using coins we did this practically using real money. We practised counting in tens and then switching to counting in fives, twos and ones, depending on what the amount was. Then we competed our challenge sheets.
Please take a look at us practically adding different denominations of coins together.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Butterfly release
We had lots of fun releasing butterflies today into the wild. We selected the flowered area at the side of our classroom at set them free. They were a little reluctant to leave us at first. So we had to help them on their way. Thank you to our class member who brought these in. Please take a look at the pictures below.
Curiosity Cube
Hi Everyone,
Please see the below for the trick that my object does. I bought it over 35 years ago from Tunisia whilst on holiday. I believe it works by an inverted funnel and being double lined inside. Please also see the next object that has appeared in our curiosity cube.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Activity Afternoon - Bug Hotels
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the activity afternoon today. I know the children had a fantastic time, as did I and I hope you all did too. The bug hotels looked amazing and a good job was done by all. I took a few photos of the session, please see below.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Reading and story books
Wow! What an achievment! As a class we have enjoyed 200 story books read to us.
Thank you Class 3 for keeping track.
Miss Heaton
In our numeracy learning today we have been comparing numbers with different tens and different ones. We played a game called 'Naughty Numbers' we took it in turns to roll a dice and then we decided whether to put the number it landed on in our tens or ones column. The person with the highest number was the winner. We thought about which strategies to use to win. It was great fun and the children beat Miss Heaton too. Please take a look at our photos.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Curiosity Cube
The first object in the cube was a fossil. A Micraster - Echinoids. This particular fossil was found in Upper Chalk, Kent. A few of the children commented on it's heart shape and asked fantastic questions. Such as; Why is it white? Where did it come from? Is it alive? - well done Class 3!
I have now changed the object to the second picture below and already the children have written some more amazing questions. I can't wait to show them the neat trick it does.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
I managed to circumnavigate the technical issues and have converted the file to be uploaded. Please have a listen to one of our composed songs below.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Today in our music lesson we have been listening to two different genres of music. We played 'The Firebird' by Stravinsky and 'When I'm 64' by the Beatles - we learned facts about both. Then we listened to how individual instruments sounded. Next we learned about beat and rhythm. We also composed our own songs which I am hoping to upload later. Please take a look at us composing an indie rock song.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
In our numeracy lessons last week, we began learning about place value to 100. We explored a 100sq and found many patterns amongst the numbers. We represented numbers practically (please see the photos) with equipment. Then we partitioned numbers into 10s and 1s - for example 52 has 5 tens and 2 ones using a part part whole model. Today we have been using number lines to count forwards and backwards in 1s and in 10s and we have been estimating where numbers should go on an incomplete number line. We will be continuing with our learning of one more/one less tomorrow and then comparing numbers on Wednesday and Thursday, before consolidating our learning on Friday.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
P.s. This is a good website to use for the 100 splat game at home...
Curiosity Cube
Mrs Kershaw has kindly given us a curiosty cube. The cube is to encourage the development of the children's thinking and questioning skills. The children will be encouraged to think up their own questions to ask before I reveal what the items are. We have gloves to handle the items and we will be storing questions in the book before the big reveal of each item. Hmmm I wonder if you can work out what the item is this week?
In our PSHE lessons this term we will be learning about safe handling of medicines and substances. Today we have been learning about what is safe and not safe to put on to our skin. We have sorted the items in groups and then discussed why they are safe or not safe. We also talked about what might happen to our skin and what to do if the items did touch our skin.
Science (Tomato Plants)
Wow! What an amazing first day back. I have loved hearing from the children about their time off, it sounds like they had lots of fun. I took home the tomato plants over the half term and the children have noticed that Shirley has a flower since I bought them back. Both plants have lots of buds too. So hopefully we will have tomatoes very soon.
Today in Numeracy we have been thinking about direction and using our knowledge of left and right, forwards and backwards to give instructions and direct each other to get to specific points. We tried hard to incorporate our learning from Monday's Numeracy session by using additional words such as 'half turn' and 'quarter turn' to make the directions even clearer.
Please take a look at our learning.
In our History learning on Monday we recounted what we knew about Queen Elizabeth II, we learned some new facts and then wrote these collaboratively on our tables.
Next we learned more about what a monarch is. What the Queen did whilst she was the monarch. What the British Monarch is in charge of and whether they make the laws.
Please take a look at our learning.
The children have been continuing there science learning this week on the topic of plants. They have been examining common British flowers. Using their identification booklets the children were able to identify and name a variety of flowers that were placed on their tables.
Please take a look at their learning.
Yesterday in our literacy lesson, we wrote instructions for growing cress. We have been trying really hard to make sure our handwriting is neat. Today we wil be editing our work and making improvements to our writing. Please take a look at some of our pieces of work from yesterday.
Design Technology
In our Design Technology lessons this term we will be making a wooden picture frame. We have already had a tinkering session and found that by using triangular card joinings we can strengthen our frames. We have also created a designed of how our finished frames are intending to look. Today, we have been measuring (using a ruler and pencil), learning how to saw safely, and we have drawn a picture to go inside of our frames. We will continue working on these until the end of next term. Please take a look at our learning so far.
In our numeracy learning today we have been revisiting fractions. We have been halving and quartering amounts practically by using jottings. We had to be sure to dot the jottings in a rhymic fashion as we counted the amounts out. Then we checked how many we had in each of the boxes to ensure that they were equal/the same. Then we were able to write and say our sentences. Please take a look at our learning.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Science (Growing our tomato plants)
We are studying plants in our science lessons this term. We are observing two tomato plants, as they grow. They are from two different varieties, one is the 'Shirley' variety and the other is the 'Gardeners Delight' variety. We have decided to give our tomato plants names. We are keeping 'Shirley' as 'Shirley'. However we have voted on the renaming of the 'Gardeners Delight' variety. It will now be known as 'Sparkle'.
We are hoping to see some tomotoes very soon.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
Rotherham Music Service Visit
Today we had a special surprise for the children. The Rotherham Music Service came in and introduced the children to a variety of instruments. Flute, trumpet, guitar and violin. They explained which family of instruments each belong to woodwind, brass and strings. Then they played pieces of music for the children. The children recognised some of the tunes from TV shows. Also the musicians played pieces that represented certain types of animal and the children were able to pick out which animal the musicians were demonstrating. Finally the musicians asked for questions for the audience and the children asked some very good question.
Please take a look at the below pictures.
King Charles Coronation
A huge thank you to everyone for making today a special day for the children. As it has been a short week and there has been lots to fit in. The children didn't get chance to take a story book home. Therefore, could you please share a story from the below website with your child instead.
The latest video is from Justin Fletcher and the story is called King Charles III's Colourful Coronation https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b00jdlm2/cbeebies-bedtime-stories
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
In our Art lessons this term we are using the media of textiles. We have continued this week to investigate different types of materials; tweed, silk, and cotton. We briefly thought about where these materials come from (wool - sheep, silk - silk worm, cotton - cotton plants) how they start off as white in colour but are dyed different colours, and how the yarn is spun. We touched the fabrics and noticed that tweed can be coarse yet wooly hats can be soft, despite both being made from the same material. We talked about the textures of silk and cotton too, and what these might be used for.
Then we all had a go at threading a needle by ourselves. This is in preperation for beginning our sewing next week, when we will be learning the pinch, push, pull technique.
Please take a look at our learning.
In our PE lessons this term with Live and Learn we are learning how to field and bat. We began today's session by dividing the class into two groups and playing a bean bag and cone game (a variation on cups and saucers). Then we divided the class into five seperate teams and we practised our fielding and batting further. This has helped us to develop our hand-eye coordination, agility and teamwork skills.
Please take a look at our learning below.
EID Party!!!
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for all of your support today and for the many donations of food for the Eid party. The children, Mrs Wray and I have had a wonderful afternoon. We played corners, musical staues and we got to sample lots of delicious food. I took many photos, but apologies if some are a little blurred, as there was lots of dancing.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week.
Miss Heaton
In our Computing lessons this term, we are learning about Digital Writing. We began last week by exploring the keyboard and learning the function of certain keys such as the space bar, backspace and return. This week we have continued our learning and have been practically adding and removing text. Please take a look at a few sample pieces of our work.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
In our SPaG leson today, we have been revisiting our learning about verbs and the adding of suffixes to change tense. Firstly, the children played charades and acted out the verbs. Then they choose and wrote the verb in it's root word form, before changing it into either past tense by adding 'ed' or present tense by adding 'ing'. Please take a look at the photos I took of the children playing charades.
Hi All,
I hope you are having a lovely Eid and I am looking forward to next Friday's party.
Kind regards
Miss Heaton
We have had an amazing time in our science lesson today. Firstly, we began by our learning about plants, by labelling a variety of different plants collectively. Next we practically and scientifically explored the structure of a plant. We had real plants, that we examined in detail using a magnifying glass. We labelled the flower, petal, pollen, roots, stem and leaves on the paper that they were laid on. Then we talked about what functions each part served. Before finally watching a video of a honey bee collecting pollen. Please take a look at the photos of our learning.
Autism Acceptance Week
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for participating in the Autism Acceptance Week 27th March - 2nd April. It was lovely to see the photos of everyone dressed in lots of bright colourful clothes for the rainbow spectrum non-school uniform day. Please take a look at the pictures below.
We had lots of fun today in our art lesson today. We practised mixing primary colours together to create a secondary colour. Then we made the secondary colour lighter by adding white to it. Finally we changed the consistancy of the paint by adding water to our paint mixture. Please take a look at our learning.
Attendence Champions!!!
As our class has won the attendance award, today we have had our reward. We voted democratically for ice cream and a film. The film we voted for was Hotel Transylvania 2 (U-rated) and then we helped ourselves on our ice cream station to sprinkles, syrups and chocolate flakes. We have been completing a number of Red Nose Day activities too. Please take a look at our photos.
In our Numeracy learning today we have had lots of fun. We have continued our learning about capacity and volume. We have been comparing volumes today practically. We have been using the language of empty/nearly empty/full/ nearly full, greatest/smallest and less/more. We have found that when a container is taller it doesn't necessarily mean, it will have a greater capacity than a shorter container. As the shorter container may be wider. Please take a look at out learning.
As part of our science learning, and over the course of this school year we have been studying seasonal changes. This Spring half term we are focusing our learning by examining a Horse Chestnut Tree tree over a 6 week period. In our first week we discovered the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees. Then last week we examined the Horse Chestnut Tree on the school grounds. We thought that it looked quite bare and noticed discarded conkers and conker shells on the ground beneath it. This week, we have returned to the same tree and we have noticed a lot more buds have appeared. They have turned a reddish brown colour and when we touched these buds, they felt quite sticky. One of the buds seemed to have something green bursting out of it. We thought it might be the first leaf. We will be returning next week to see what other changes have happened and to see if anything else has grown.
Parent and school activity afternoon
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the activity afternoon today. The children had a wonderful time and made some amazing arts and crafts. It was lovely to be able to share the afternoon with you all. I took a few photos of the session, please see below.
World Book Day
What a fantastic World Book Day we have had! We began the day by doing a book swap in the morning. The children chose the story they wanted to be read to them and then went to the other teachers' classrooms to hear them. We created a corridor of "Look Who Got Caught Reading" - the children really enjoyed spotting their photos on there too. Also, this week, as a class, we have hit treble figures for the number of stories we have read collectively this school year. I'm so pleased that the children are developing a love of reading. Further resources for the children can be found on the World Book Day's website.
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” - Dr. Seuss
In our science lesson today we have begun our learning about animals. We started by thinking about what animals are and what they need to survive. Then we named as many different types of animals that we could. Next we spoke about where certain animals lived. We spoke about pets, farm animals and animals that you might see in zoos or that live further away from us. We watched a video tour around a zoo.
Then we worked in tables to sort and classify pictures of animals. Initially we sorted the animals solely by what they looked like. Then after an explanation of the 5 main types of animals; Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Mammals and Reptiles, we re-sorted them. Then we checked to see how many we had sorted into the right groups.
The children did a fantastic job!
In our Science lesson today we have been learning about the human body. Firstly, we thought about all of the parts that we could see on the outside of our bodies. Then we named the parts of our bodies on the inside. Next we talked about what function these parts served. Finally, we made a representation of the human body and used items to display the different internal organs. For instance choosing a sponge for our brains, balloons for our lungs and straws for our bones etc.
Tomorrow we will be taking our learning further by scientifically investigating our 5 senses.
Childrens Mental Health Week
As you will be aware this week is Children's Mental Health Week, this years theme is "Let's Connect". In class we have been thinking about all the connections that we have and are grateful for. Then we have made our own connection trees. Please take a look at our learning on the attached photos.
Today in our computing lesson we have been continuing to focus on the programming of our robots (Bee-Bots). We have been giving our robots commands of forwards and backwards to move them around our grids. We have been making predictions of where our robots will land after programming a sequence into them too. Please take a look at our learning.
The children were so excited to be able to take home their clay Gruffalos today, as they have finally dried. I think you will agree they have done a fantastic job of implementing the techniques they have learned in their previous art lessons. Their Gruffalos look fantastic, well done everyone!
In our Geography lesson today. We watched Barnaby Bear exploring Papa Westray (one of the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland). On the below video...
We made notes on our whiteboards about the weather, transport, population and farming. Then we practised saying these facts in our groups, before then presenting these to the rest of the class. This is ready for next half term, when we will be comparing the similarities and difference with Rotherham using a Venn diagram.
Design Technology
In our lessons for Design Technology this term, we are going to be making a jacket for the Smartest Giant in Town. However, before we can start designing and making our jackets, we have today, been testing joining techniques and methods. Please take a look at the photos of us testing these methods which including glues, staples, sewing, paper clips and tapes. We sure had a lot of fun!
Today in our History lesson we have been learning about Victorian life with a focus on the home. We have compared and contrasted home life then with now. Then we discussed in groups and sorted objects on our sheets into either the Victorian or present day columns. Please take a look at our learning.
This afternoon in our Art lesson we have been experimenting with the media of clay. We have learnt some of the techniques used with this media. Such as how to roll, pinch and need. We had fun making the longest snakes, spikiest balls and flattest pancakes. It really was a lot of fun. We washed our hands before and after using the clay and we made sure our sleeves were rolled up and our aprons on. Please take a look at our photos.
Snack time and independent reading area
During our snack times the children have independently been choosing to access our reading area. I am so pleased and it is encouraging to see their love of reading in action.
Here are some photos I snapped from last Friday and today.
British Values
As a school, this half term, we have been learning about the British Value of democracy. In Class 3, we have been practising this be voting for the story reading book on Friday's. Please take a look at our pictures.
This week in Computing we have been learning about robots and their use in everyday life. We discussed what a command is and explored inputting different commands on the Bee-Bots to make them move in different directions.
Have a look at us using the Bee-Bots below!
This week in Numeracy we have been focusing on recognising and representing numbers beyond 10.
We began the week by consolidating our understanding of 10 and explored making 10 practically in a variety of ways with different equipment.
The rest of the week we have gradually explored the numbers to 20. Each day we first made the numbers practically with equipment such as counters and 10 frames, numicon and diennes. We learnt that each of these numbers needed one ten and so many ones.
We then matched pictorial representations of the numbers to the numerals.
Take a look at some of our learning below.
In Literacy this week we have been learning facts about Julia Donaldson. We tried hard to think about using different sentence openers to make out writing more interesting.
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have had an amazing break and are looking forward to the new school term.
Just a quick reminder that we have a treat in store this Thursday for the children. As, we will be visiting the pantomime, this will be during school hours and lunch this day will be sandwiches that the children have already chosen.
In our new school term, we will be starting our new topic of Incredible Authors.
In Year 1 we will be focusing on Julia Donaldson and covering many of her texts.
We will be taking inspiration from these in a variety of subject areas and I can’t wait to show you all the work the children will be producing.
As always if you have any questions please catch me at the beginning or end of the school day or leave me a message and I will contact you back.
Miss Heaton
This week Year 1 have been applying previously taught skills in numeracy by completing special challenges in reasoning and arithmetic. They were able to use a chosen method to independently complete addition and subtraction problems.
This week all the children in Year 1 have been busy rehearsing for our schools Christmas Nativity performances. They have enjoyed performing to an audience and their confidence and enthusiasm had been wonderful to see.
This week in Numeracy we have been doing lots of learning based around Shape. We have begun by investigating 3d shapes. We learnt that 3D shapes have faces and are not flat. We learnt the names of some of these shapes and sorted them into groups.
This week we have been very busy in Year One creating products to sell at our Christmas fair. We began by designing our products and thinking carefully about the ingredients and items we would need to buy to make our products. We then worked in teams throughout the week to create our products. We had to make sure that our finished products reflected our designs and we only used materials that were on our design. We can’t wait for the day of the fair to show you what we have been working hard to make.
In numeracy this week we have begun exploring place value to 20.
Firstly, we used the practical equipment of Numicon and place value arrow cards to help us understand tens and ones. Then we moved on to completing our worksheets which had a variety of pictoral representations such as dienes, bundles and Numicon.
Please have a look at our hard work below.
In our computing lesson this week we have been learning to make careful choices within our digital painting.
We have created shapes and chosen colours to create a picture in the style of the artist Henry Matisse. We have used the shape tool and fill tool within the online programme “PaintZ.app”.
Please take a look at our interpretations of Matisse’s “Snail”.
This week we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday we wore our Odd Socks to celebrate being different and unique! We designed our own pair of odd socks and learnt that it was very important to treat everyone with respect and kindness no matter how different they may be to you.
Take a look at Andy and the Odd Socks official song ‘Calling Out’ for this year’s Odd Socks Day.
This year’s theme for Anti-Bullying is ‘Reach Out’. In our PSHE lesson this week we identified the people in school who we could reach out to if we saw bullying or unkind behaviour and thought about ways that we could reach out to make sure our school is a happy and safe place for all.
This week we have begun to construct our boats by using the joining techniques we have tested previously in our DT lessons. We checked our shopping lists and designs to be sure of the method chosen to join our edges together with.
We also double checked that our boats matched our designs. We looked carefully at our designs to make sure our boats had a hull, a sail and a mast. Once we had checked that our boats matched our designs, we then began attaching our edges together to make the hulls.
Take a look at our boats as they are in the process of being constructed.
PE day change
***Our PE days will now be Wednesday and Thursday going forward.***
Thank you for your cooperation
Miss Heaton
This week in Numeracy we have been finding number bonds for all the numbers to 10. A number bond is a pair of numbers that make another number. We began the week by finding these practically and then recording them. Later on in the week we learnt how to work in a systematic way like wise old owl. Working systematically means we start finding the number bonds in an order. When we work in this way it means we are less likely to miss any number bonds out.
0 + 3 = 3
1 + 2 = 3
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 0 = 3
In our computing learning this week we have been experimenting with digitally painting. We have explored the use of a variety of tools within the paint program. This has including selecting different colours and thicknesses of lines. Use of shape templates, undoing and erasing any errors we have made. Then we completed a self portrait using the above and freehand tools. Please take a look at our learning below...
This week in numeracy we have been investigating number sentences and the positions of the parts and the whole. Using practical equipment, we switched the parts around and we discovered that the whole remained the same. We then took our learning further by recording fact families for numbers within 10.
In history we have been looking at different seaside and coastal towns that people like to go to on holiday. We discussed what people wear, the foods they eat and the activities they might do whilst visiting the coast. Next week we will be comparing what holidays were like 100 years ago. Please take a look at this weeks learning below.
In numeracy this week we have continued to use part part whole models, we have extended our learning further by writing number sentences. This has helped us to consolidate our learning and prepare us for number fact families after half term.
At the beginning of this week, we learned the symbols + and =. We talked of where these might be placed on a part part whole model to verbally make a number sentence. Then we practiced adding two parts together to work out the whole (total) amount. We then replicated this by writing out number sentences that matched the part part wholes we had completed.
Next we worked on solving word problems with part part whole models and then we selected our own digit cards to create addition equations for ourselves to solve.
Towards the end of the week we spent time thinking about what would happen if we placed amounts in different areas on our part part whole model. We realised that when adding parts together that the whole (total) amount was the same regardless of whether the parts were switched with each other. However, we noticed that if the largest amount was not in the whole then the equation would be wrong.
Please take a look at our work below.
In our Computing learning this week we have been learning about sending emails. We have realised that an email is like sending a letter electronically. We have talked about the benefits of emails such as the speed, cost and connectivity that they offer.
We talked about how an email address is created out of different parts username@provider.country
Next we sent an email with an attachment to another Class and they replied to show how we can communicate electronically.
Please take a look at our email conversation below.
In numeracy we have been using a part part whole model to solve additions.
At the start of the week we investigated what a 'whole' was and what a 'part' was. We learnt that a whole is when something is all there and a part is when all of it is not there. We split a whole banana into parts to see this!
Then we looked at partitioning (splitting) numbers into parts using a part part whole model.
We put some counters into the 'whole' and then split it by putting the counters into the 'parts'. We then learnt that when we combined the parts we had the whole amount again.
We then recorded this information in the form of jottings.
Please take a look at us using a part part whole model below.
This week in ICT we have been taking ownership of our creative work by adding our names to it.
We created a pirate ship picture on the application Doodle Buddy following the set of instructions. Once we had created our pictures we then had to type our names onto the picture so that we then had ownership over this image. Please take a look at our brilliant pictures underneath.
This week in numeracy we have been ordering numbers to 10. At first we did this practically using counters to help us see the value of each number. Then we learnt how to use number lines to help us put 3 non-consecutive numbers in order. Please take a look at our hard work below.
This week in PSHE we have been thinking about how we can be a good friend to others. We had to think carefully about qualities that made us a good friend. Some of our ideas were kind, caring, helpful and respectful. We then had to think about who our friends were and why they are good friends. Please take a look at our learning below.
This week in numeracy we have been comparing quantities using the language of more than, less than and equal to. We then learnt the corresponding symbols and used these in our independent tasks to compare both objects and numerals.
Please take a look at our learning below.