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Herringthorpe Infant School

Herringthorpe Infant School

Learning for Life

Herringthorpe Infant School

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5's page! Please check back here to see regular updates!

Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school (white t-shirt and dark shorts/leggings with names in please). This can stay on their peg in school and we will send it home each half term for washing. 

Please ensure that earrings are removed and long hair is tied back.

Thank you.


Book Bags

From next week children will need a small bag in school every day for their reading diary and books. This can be one of the more traditional book bags or a small rucksack but nothing too large please.

Children will be bringing home a reading book linked to their phonics level which they will be able to read independently as well as a book from our reading corner that can be read to them. 

The children will be able to start earning stickers in their reading diary if they read x3 in a week from next week too. Once they earn 10 stickers they will receive a reading prize! They just need to hand their diary in every Monday morning so that she can update their diaries!

Let's get earning stickers Class 5!!

We have covered lots of learning in Maths during Spring Term.

In Spring 1 we have covered shapes, both 2d and 3d. We learnt the names of different shapes and how to identify them based on how many faces, edges and vertices they have.

Our next unit was about money. We learnt to identify different coins and notes and their values. We added different coins to find a total and subtracted to find change. 

In Spring 2 we  learnt all about multiplication, division and fractions.

We learnt multiplication is repeated addition, and we developed our ability to count in 2's 5's or 10's.

We know that when we divide a number we have to share it out into equal groups.

We learnt that a fraction is part of a whole. We looked at fractions of shapes and how to find a fraction of a number.

In Literacy we have shared lots of wonderful stories from authors that we like and used them to created pieces of writing. 

In Spring 1 we read the story 'Geronimo' and learnt that penguins cant fly, this lead us to research and write a non-chronological report on Emperor Penguins.

Next we read 'The Lion Inside', we looked at the setting and did some descriptive writing about the desert. Then rewrote the story from the mouse's point of view .

Then we shared 'The Way Home for Wolf' and compared the setting to out previous text. We then pretended to be Wilf the wolf and wrote his diary.


In Spring 2 we read 'The Twits' and wrote character profiles for both Mr and Mrs Twit. 

We wrote letters to the zoo keeper to complain about the 'Slightly Annoying Elephant' that had shown up at the house.

Finally we used the story 'The Bear and the Piano' to write our own stories about a sheep who could play the drums.

In Science we have been learning about different materials and their uses. We explored a range of materials and sorted them into different groups based on their properties. We conducted an experiment to find out which materials help retain heat. We then used our knowledge to help us design a rain jacket that had to be warm, malleable and waterproof. 

In Art we have been learning about the artists Andy Warhol, Rosalind Monks, Pablo Picasso and Gustav Klimt. 

We have had a go at mixing different colours and creating pop art paintings in the style of Warhol. Then we studied the different pencil styles of Picasso and Klimt and developed our skills by creating self portraits in their styles.

In RE we have been learning about asking the big questions that get us thinking and don't necessarily have an answer. We thought about the Wonders of the World and asked questions about them, we also asked questions about the world around us.

We also learnt about the Easter story and how Christian's celebrate this holiday. 

During Spring 1 in PSHE we have learnt about how to stay healthy. We learnt about good hygiene, eating and drinking healthily, the importance of exercise and good sleep habits.

In Spring 2 we learnt about growing up and changing. We thought about what we were like as babies and all the things we needed help to do, then we compared it to ourselves now and looked at all the things we could now do by ourselves, finally we made predictions about what we would be able to do in the future. 

In DT we have been learning about moving mechanisms so we could make a moving car. We began by exploring how to attach wheels to an axle so they could still rotate. Once we had done this we used our knowledge of secure joins from Year 1 to create a wooden frame. We then attached out axles to the frame and built our car on the top of our frame. We had lots of fun doing this!

In History we have been learning about Kings and Queens. We learnt all about UK kings and Queens of the past in order to answer the question 'Who was the most powerful British monarch?' 

We started of by learning about what a monarch is. We then learnt about King William I, King John I, Queen Elizabeth I and Charles I. We then looked at todays monarchy and how it differed from the past. 

In Geography we have been learning about Planet Earth. We learnt about the continents and oceans that makes up Earth. We learnt abut each continent, the countries in it, it's landmarks, animals and weather. We then learnt about the two hemispheres and climates. We looked at globes and maps to support our learning. 

In Music in Spring 1 we learnt the rock style songs 'I wanna play in a band'. In Spring 2 we learnt the reggae style song 'Zootime'.

We learn the words to both the songs and could perform them with confidence. We developed our ability to move to the pulse and clap rhythms. We enjoyed playing the glockenspiels to learn to play the two songs. 

In SPaG we have learnt about nouns and adjectives, plurals and singular, using commas in a list, apostrophes for omission and possession and different types of punctuation including question marks and exclamation marks.

What a busy first half term we have had!

This half term our topic is Enchanted Woodland, we have based our Literacy learning around the book 'Into the forest' by Anthony Browne. We have explored the books characters and completed several pieces of learning around them including character profiles of Jack from 'Jack and the beanstalk', and innovating stories based around 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. To finish we pretended we were the main character from 'Into the forest' and wrote letters to grandma retelling out visit to her. 

To finish our Literacy learning this half term we looked at Autumn poems. To begin we read some Autumn poems and had a go at performing them. Then we went for a walk around school and thought about what we could see, hear, feel and smell. We wrote key words down and then turned them into out own poems poems.

In Maths we have been learning all about place value. We have learnt how to recognise tens and ones in two digit numbers, how to partition numbers, first into tens and ones and then into different variations. We have looked at how to estimate numbers, compare and order numbers. We have begun learning how to count in 2's, 5's, 10's and 3's.

Next we began our next unit of work on addition and subtraction. We have been recalling our number bonds to 10 and 20. We have learnt all about fact families and related facts. We have begun learning about adding by making 10. 

In maths we have been working practically and then applying what we have learnt to complete activities. 


We have also begun Mastering Number where we have been learning how to use a rekenrek to make numbers and learn what they are made up of. For example we know that 7 is made up of 5 and 2 this helps us quickly make 7 on a rekenrek.

In Art we have been learning about the artists Elisabeth Frink and Sharon Regan. We have learnt about the types of sculptures they make. We have then had a go at developing out own clay skills. We learnt how to roll, pinch and pull and make a hollow in clay, we also learnt how to slip and score to join two pieces of clay together. We had great fun learning these techniques and getting our hands all dirty! 

In DT (Design Technology) we have been learning how to create moving pictures. We learnt how to make a slider and a pivot mechanism that linked to our book 'Into the forest'. Then we designed, created and evaluated our own moving pictures showcasing what we have learnt.

In Science we have been learning how to tell if something is living, dead or never been alive. We learnt what things need to be considered alive and that if something doesn't meet this criteria then it is either dead or has never been alive. We had fun sorting pictures to the correct category. We also learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly. We then began an experiment to find out what happens when we don't wash our hands properly. We touched bread with dirty hands, then washed our hands and touched a different slice of bread with our clean hands. We have made predictions about what we think will happen to the bread and will see if our predictions are correct.

We have enjoyed looking at things in our Curiosity Cube, asking questions and writing down our thoughts. Miss Allen has then told us all about what was in the cube.

In PE we have been learning how to play Mat ball. We have developed out skills in throwing at catching and developed our understanding of the rules or mat ball. We then ended the unit by playing small games in our class.

In RE we have learnt about belonging. We have looked at where we belong in the community, our school and our families. We have then learnt about Christian Baptism and how that means Christians belong to God.


In PSHE we have learnt about different types of families, making and maintaining friendships and what makes us unique.


In Computing we have been learning about what IT is and its different uses in schools and the wider world. 

In Music we have been learning the Charanga song 'Hands, feet, heart'. We have been listening to and appraising different songs saying what we liked or didn't like about them. We have been developing our ability to move to the rhythm of music and sing in unison. We have composed our own rhythms to clap or play on the chime bars. We then learnt how to play 'Hands, feet, heart' on the chime bars. 

Our topic for Spring Term was Amazing Authors. Year 2 focused on Roald Dahl, read lots of his books and learnt lots of wonderful things about him and his stories. Have a look at some of our learning below.

This term in numeracy we have been learning about multiplication, division and fractions.

For multiplication we began with repeated addition and then moved on to arrays. We have been working on learning out 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.

Next we looked at division, we learnt how to share equally into groups. We also learnt to use a number line to jump in groups. 

Once we knew how to divide we used this to help us with fractions. We learnt that a fraction is part of a whole, we started with cutting things into parts. Once we understood this we learnt to work out fractions of a number by looking at the denominator to see how many groups we needed to draw. Then we had to share the amount, look at the numerator and draw a box around this many groups. Then we could find the answer.

In Literacy we have been looking at Roald Dahl's books. We have looked at The BFG, George's Marvellous Medicine and The Twit's. We wrote setting descriptions, character profiles, instructions and stories based on these stories. 

We really enjoyed making our own version on George's Marvellous Medicine to use as a base for our stories.

In Science we have learnt about keeping ourselves healthy. We have looked at why it is important to exercise, keep clean and eat healthy. We learnt all about germ by conducting an experiment to see what happened to slices of bread when we touched them with dirty hands and then again after we had washed them. 

We hosted a fantastic parents workshop where we invited parents and carers in to school to take part in crafts based around our learning this term. We had great fun and look forward to next terms workshop!

Over the last few weeks in Science we have been learning about properties of materials. We have been testing to see which materials sink and float and which are waterproof or not. We have then used this knowledge to design our own boats. Today we got to make out boats, tomorrow we will be testing them to see if they actually float!

This week we have been painting for our calendars. We are going with a seasons theme and have thought carefully about which colours we might see in each season. We then selected the correct colour for each one and painted very carefully. We can't wait to bring the finished calendars home to show you. Look out for them arriving soon!

In RE we have been learning all about the Christmas story. We then had to look carefully and match the sentences up with each picture and put them in the correct order. 

We have been designing and creating lots of products to sell at our Christmas fayre. We have to think carefully about our design following a design brief. We then had to create our product, ensuring it was of good quality and could be sold to make a profit. It was quite tricky to create some of the product, we had to use our resilience and problem solving skills to help us perceiver. 

We had some very exciting visitors in today, they were aqua explorers!

We saw lots of small creatures we might find in rock pools and around the coast and learnt all about how we can help to keep them safe. Some of us were brave enough to touch or hold some of the creatures! We had a fab time!

This week we have been busy practicing for our Christmas performance or Hey Ewe! We have been learning our songs, some of us have been learning lines and dances. We are really excited and can't wait to show you our performance! 


In Maths we have been building on last weeks learning of 2 digit addition and subtraction. We have used squishy boxes to help us make our own number sentences up. We then moved onto solving missing number questions with the help of a number line. We circled the two numbers we did know and counted the jumps we had to do to reach the bigger number. For example if we did 11 + __ = 17, we would circle both the 11 and the 17 and then jump from 11 to 17 making sure we landed on each number. We count how many jumps we do and that is the missing number.

In Art we have been exploring how different colours can represent the seasons. We have been using these colours to paint a seasonal representation for our calendars. We had to be very careful to stay in the lines. 

In literacy we have been continuing to look at Snail on the Whale. This week we have begun to plan our own version of the story. We thought of two new characters, where they might visit and what problem they could have. We then needed to come up with a solution to our problem. We used lots of descriptive language in our plan to describe our characters and places we could visit. Here are some of our plans.

This week we have enjoyed celebrating Anti-Bullying Week as part of our PSHE and in assemblies. The theme for this year was Reach Out.  In PSHE  we learnt about at the difference between joking, teasing and bullying. We also identified the people in school who we could reach out to if we saw bullying or unkind behaviour and thought about ways that we could reach out to make sure our school is a happy and safe place for all.

On Monday we wore odd socks to celebrate being different and unique. We learnt that it was very important to treat everyone with respect and kindness no matter how different they may be to you.


Take a look at Andy and the Odd Socks official song ‘Calling Out’ for this year’s Odd Socks Day.

In maths this week we have been very busy learning how to add and subtract 2 digit numbers. We have been working practically using dienes to support our learning. When adding we had to represent both numbers using dienes then push them together to find a total. When subtracting we had to represent the first number using dienes and then take away the second number by removing the correct amount of dienes. As the week progressed our learning got harder. We moved onto representing numbers on our white boards by drawing the dienes instead of using physical manipulatives. On the last day we looked at exchanging, this was very tricky. Have a look at our learning below. 

In Literacy the book we have been lookin at is The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

We have been pretending to be Whale writing a letter to Snail to thank him for the wonderful adventure and saving our life when we got stranded on the beach. We have explored features of letter and then planned our own letters. 

Once we had planned our letters we wrote them up concentrating on our handwriting. Here are some of our finished letters.

In maths we have been developing our problem solving skills. We were given a challenge to make all the rows and columns add up to a total of 60. Each shape had a different value, squares were 10 points, triangles were 20 points and circles were 30 points.

We had to rearrange the shapes in the grid and keep checking the totals by using our adding and counting in 10s skills. The challenge was very tricky but we all showed resilience by not giving up. 

In Art we have been looking at the artists Picasso and Klimt, we have had a go at sketching in their styles. We have learnt that Picasso uses darker heavier lines while Klimt uses lighter lines. Have a look at our pictures.

We have been learning how to edit our work in Literacy.

We had to read the sentences and spot the mistakes, once we spotted them we circled them and corrected them.

We practiced this skill all together as a class then worked independently to see if we could spot the mistakes on the sheets and fix them.


In Music we have been learning to play the chime bars. We had a great time learning to play along with the notes on the board. We took it in turns to play and support our partners. We got really good at this!

In Literacy we have been learning about non fiction books so we can write our own. First we explored the features of non-fiction books. We looked for the contents page, index page, glossary. the pictures with captions and labels and the headings or subheadings.

In Art we have been learning about the artist John Dyer, we have looked closely at the colours he uses. We learnt he likes to use bright bold colours in his art and usually paints seaside pictures. We looked closely at some of his art and tried to recreate it with focus on the colours he uses. Here is some of our lovely work!

Hello again, we have had a very busy week this week. Thanks for taking the time to come and look at our learning!


In maths we have been looking at two digit numbers and exploring what the number is made up of. We made our two digit number using dienes and then partitioned it using the part part whole model into its tens and ones. Here are some pictures of us doing this.

As the week progressed we began to move onto worksheets to show our understanding. Here are some pictures.

Hello everyone!

We have had a fantastic first few weeks in Class 5. We are all settled in and doing some excellent learning. We are excited to share with you what we have been up to, I have put some photos below of a selection of the learning over the past 2 weeks. 

Check back again next week for another update.

Thanks Miss Allen and Mrs Baker


In Maths we have been looking at comparing two numbers. We started by looking at a simplified version of this comparing two numbers, once we had got the hang of this we made it more complex by looking at comparing two sums. We needed to solve the sum first then decide which had the greatest total. We then put the greater than, less than and equals sign in the circle in the middle. 

We began as a class working together on the white board.

The next day we continued this learning independently on our sheets. We had dienes to help us, we built the number using dienes so we could see which had more ten sticks or ones.

Once we had could see the tens and ones we moved on from using the dienes to support us.

In Art this week we have been recapping some of our previous learning from Year 1. We recapped the different sketching techniques we knew. 

We used these skills to add some shading to a pirate picture. We had lots of fun doing this and the end results looked great!

We have also been enjoying music lessons. First we learnt to sing a new song called Hands, Feet, Heart. After that we moved on to composing music using the rhythm grids. We practiced together on the white board.

Once we could clap the rhythms we had a go in pairs. We took it in turns to write a rhythm and our partner clapped it. Half of us used the glockenspiels while the other half clapped. Then we swapped over so we all got to play on the glockenspiels. We can't wait to have another go next week.  

In RE we have been looking at where we fit in the world and where we belong. We used our our white boards to vote for what we thought.

Here are some of the questions we looked at and our opinions.

In Literacy we have been learning all about pirates and writing our very own non fiction book. We learnt some interesting facts and made notes then the next day we wrote them up in full sentences. We know that is is important to plan our sentences before writing them and then checking them again after we wrote to make sure it makes sense. 

We then made out own front cover and wrote a contents page for out books. We had lots of fun and learnt lots of interesting facts. Have a look at some of our work below and see what we wrote!

In DT we have taken our previous learning about moving mechanisms such as leavers and pivots and designed out own moving pictures. We thought carefully about what mechanism we were going to use and what materials we would need. Here are a few of our designs. Check back next week to see our finished moving pictures!

In science we have started to look at materials. We talked about different words we could use to describe the properties of materials such as bendy, stiff, hard, sort, stretchy and fuzzy. We looked at a range of objects on our tables and then sorted them into our own criteria. Here are some examples of our sorting.